
Understanding Real Estate

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Understanding Real Estate

Real estate is a great investment, especially if you are focused on purchasing a home in an area that is projected to appreciate. However, many people aren't sure how to tell whether or not a home will appreciate in value, which can create problems. Understanding real estate is instrumental, especially if you want to buy a new home. Check out these excellent tips and tricks for knowing which homes you should invest in. The entire purpose of this blog is to create a place where potential homeowners can find great information that can make their life better. After all, information should be free, and housing is expensive enough anyway.

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There's A Better Way: 4 Benefits Of Online Exam Proctoring Software

If you're worried about proctoring exams for your students during the current COVID-19 crisis, now's the time to invest in an online exam proctoring program. If you're worried that security might be undermined if exams aren't monitored in person, don't be. Online exam proctoring is one of the best ways to ensure the security of the exams you're providing. Before you pass up the opportunity to provide more effective exam monitoring, read the information provided below. You'll find four important reasons to invest in online exam proctoring software. 

Reduce Risk for COVID-19 Exposure

If you're worried about COVID-19 exposure for your students and proctors, it's time to start using online exam proctoring software. When students and proctors gather together in a small space, there's an increased risk for COVID-19 exposure. Unfortunately, if you plan to utilize in-person exam proctoring, you'll need to assume that risk. That's where online exam proctoring software comes in handy. Online exam proctoring software allows exams to be proctored from remote locations, which reduces the risk for COVID-19 exposure. 

Create More Space for Testing

If you have limited testing space, that probably wasn't a problem prior to the COVID-19 crisis. Unfortunately, safety restrictions no longer allow students to be in close proximity to each other, which can make testing difficult. If you need to create more testing space in a hurry, invest in online exam proctoring software. Once you have the software installed, your students can take their exams from the comfort of their homes, while your proctors remain at the test center. 

Allow Secured Proctoring

If you've avoided remote exam proctoring because you're worried about security, you should know that remote proctoring is safe and secure. When your students sign in for remote proctoring, they'll be monitored throughout the entire length of the test. In fact, there are security steps in place to ensure that the students are alone, and without other electronic devices, for the entire length of the exam. That means you won't need to worry that your students are using cell phones to obtain answers to their exams. You'll also be ensured that no one else is in the room with your student during their exam. 

Alleviate Test Anxiety

Finally, if you have students who experience test anxiety, in-person testing can be a serious problem for them. In fact, their test results might be affected by the anxiety. Online exam proctoring software is one of the best ways to alleviate test anxiety. This type of software allows students to take their exams in a safe space, which will allow them to relax and concentrate on the test.

For more information on online exam proctoring software, contact a local or online provider of such software.